Stuart McLain’s Family

Stuart McLain’s family tree

Stuart and Winifred’s Family

Stuart and Winifred had two sons – Neal and Douglas – who both also had two children. Between them they have six grandchildren. This page shows pictures from that side of the family.

Neal and Doug in the late 1940s or 1950s
Neal, Douglas and Winifred McLain – Michigan 1942. The pictures says 1952, but that’s not possible because Doug was born in 1938 so it must be 1942.
Doug, Stuart, Winnie and Doug McLain at Mt Vernon during WWII

Stuart, Winnie, Neal and Doug moved around quite a bit over the years from Michigan to the DC area, when Stuart worked at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds during WWII, to Indiana to Tennessee.

Baby Doug McLain in the early 1940s.

Neal Denman McLain, Stuart and Winnie’s eldest son, married Ann Shyrock in the 1960s and they had two children Laura Lynn (b. 1971) and Sarah Jane (b. 1974).

Ann Shyrock McLain with Laura McLain – 1970s
Neal, Ann and Laura McLain sometime in the 1970s
Doug McLain marries Virginia Bohlander
Doug and Ginny on their wedding day

Douglas Robert McLain married Virginia Bohlander (Ginny) in the 1960s and they had two children, Michael Dean (b. 1965) and Susan Lynn (b. 1967).

Ginny and Susan, early 1970s.
Susan and Michael McLain, early 1970s
Stuart with his first Grandson, Michael McLain in the 1960s.
L to R: Stuart, Susan, Ann, Winnie, Laura, Sarah and Michael in the mid 1970s.
Susan, Doug, Ginny and Michael McLain in the 1970s
Ginny, Michael, Susan and Doug McLain in the 1980s.
Neal and Ann McLain and their family in the 2010s. L to R: Bridget Madsen, Laura McLain, Katlyn Madsen, Neal McLain, Owen Rogers (in front of Neal), Clive Rogers, Ann McLain, Sarah McLain Rogers, Nathan Rogers.

Group photos

with extended family members

David, WInnie, Sylvia and Stuart McLain – 1970s
Winnie, Sylvia, David and Stuart McLain 1968.